} KeyboardShortcuts

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ITK-SNAP Keyboard Shortcuts

ITK-SNAP version 2.0

ITK-SNAP versions 1.x

Image Operations
Alt-IAdjust image contrast automatically
Ctrl-IShow image contrast window
SHide/reveal segmentation
AIncrease segmentation transparency
DDecrease segmentation transparency
WHide/reveal overlay(s)
QIncrease overlay transparency
EDecrease overlay transparency
Display-Related Commands
F3Toggle visibility of SNAP toolbars
F4Enter/exit full-screen mode
Ctrl-FFit slices to window. This applies the same zoom factor to all slices
Ctrl-Shift-FFit each slice to its window. This applies different zoom factors to all slices
Shift-CToggle cursor on or off
Tool Selection Commands
1Crosshairs tool
2Zoom/pan tool
3Polygon tool
4Automatic segmentation (SnAP region) tool
5Paintbrush tool
Slice Window Commands
(cursor must be in a slice window)
PgUpShow next slice in current slice window (mouse must be inside)
PgDnShow previous slice in current slice window
Arrow keysMove cursor left, right, up, down by one voxel
Shift+Arrow keysMove cursor by five voxels
3D Window Commands
(cursor must be in the 3D window)
SStore current viewpoint
RRecall stored viewpoint
File Operations
Ctrl-GOpen gray image
Ctrl-1 ... Ctrl-5Open gray image from recently loaded list (1 = most recent)
Ctrl-DOpen segmentation image
Ctrl-SSave segmentation image
Ctrl-NCreate new segmentation image (clear segmentation)
Ctrl-QExit program
Paint Brush Mode
-(_)Decrease paint brush size
+(=)Increase paint brush size
Polygon Mode
EnterAccept polygon (same as 'accept' button)
DeleteDelete selected point or points
InsertInsert points into selected segments
Ctrl-VRecall most recently accepted polygon ('paste' button)
Changing Active/DrawOver Label
,(<)Select the previous active label in the list
.(>)Select the next active label in the list
Ctrl-,(<)Select the previous drawover label in the list
Ctrl-.(>)Select the next drawover label in the list
In Active Contour (Snake) Mode
Ctrl-Shift-AAdd bubble under the cursor
Ctrl-Shift-RRemove last selected bubble
Page last modified on November 13, 2009, at 01:06 AM

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